
We use cookies and similar technologies on our website ("Site" or "Website") in order to for example collect data for statistics on how our website is used. A cookie is a text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device for example to present the correct information or to collect statistics.

By visiting our Site, you expressly give your consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the information on this page. Should you not wish that cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device, you may change your browser settings to disable cookies. 

We use the following cookies:

Type Name Expiration Purpose



24 months

10 minutes

We collect information about what pages you visit, how long you stay on the website and from what country you are surfing from.

_ga is unique value set for Google Analytics to distinguish visits.

_ga(ID) is a value set for Google Analytics to throttle request rate.



12 months

Stores that the visitor has accepted the use of cookies for this website.