Electrical design
Our design engineers pay close and careful attention to detail and are highly skilled in both electrical design and system construction. This expertise are we using to develop complete solutions for both new construction and renovations.
For achieving the best result, the work and documentation is well structured together with either our automation engineers or yours.
We offer you end-to-end service for projects that involve both power and automation. Within the area of electrical design we help you maintain a highly performing and productive plant.
Start-Up’s competent employees and short paths for decision-making allow us to be highly productive once we take on your project. This is something our existing clients greatly appreciate.
Start-Up’s promise to you as a client is reliability, delivery assurance, and well-documented results.

Mats Johansson
Business Area Manager Construction
Quotation request/contact
What can we help you with?
Please feel free to give us a call or stop by one of our offices, whether you are a currently a client with us or just curious about what we do. We would be happy to hear a bit more about your challenges and give you an idea of what working with us could look like.